Let's Talk: Energy!

Let's Talk: Energy!

As Human Beings you have the ability to create ENERGY. We have a 'Human Energy Field', which is defined as a luminous field of energy that comprises a person, extends beyond the physical body, and is in a continuous mutual process with the environmental energy field. In simple terms, our energy system speaks to us. We must listen and act in order to achieve our best health! 
The human body is made up of THOUSANDS of bio-chemicals that continuously interact creating different reactions that are apart of the biological and spiritual processes that generate many forms of potential energy. Potential energy is stored and released from the interactions made between the biological and spiritual layers of the human body. 
Collective consciousness or systems of human energy fields, CAN be harvested and directed! The CIA, government, and AmeriKKKa know this and insist on robbing numerous individuals of their energy! Think of it like this, media, "entertainment", schools, politics, etc. ALL are focused on one main goal....and that is to take your energy. Honestly, anytime you are doing something OUTSIDE of your Internal Kingdom, it is zapping you of your energy. This biological and spiritual energy that is harvested from the masses, is collected to gain control over matter and influence events to be repeated into artificial timelines (the government wish to create), also known as Bio-Spiritual Harvesting

As mentioned up above. The CIA knows ALL about it. This document is from an actual CIA published document titled 'The Black Vault' and will be linked below for your viewing! Here, you will be able to find a study done on the extensive powers of the human body and overall consciousness!
I hope by the end of this blog...you will realize that, YOU ARE POWERFUL AS F*CK! Your brain is like a powerful magnet...in fact, it's so powerful, science is STILL trying to study and conceptualize the many wonders of the Human Brain! Through the studies of the brain you will find that the AVERAGE human brain contains about 120 billion neurons, which constantly receive and send information through branch-like appendages called dendrites! We have the ability to actively program our OWN brain by focusing on healing our subconscious mind.  Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you, and its capacity is virtually unlimited. Often times, people get stuck in their healing journey because of what's stored in their subconscious mind. This is another reason why I do not agree with Big Pharma, because....if you think about it...their practice of "medicine" is involved with the idea of labeling you with a "dis-EASE", thus programming your subconscious to believe you are sick. Hmm, well since we INNERSTAND the powers of the brain and subconscious mind then you will speak words of healing, wellness, and prosperity, NOT sickness! This does absolutely NOTHING to truly heal you... Your conscious thoughts and actions have the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind in a heartbeat. A positive message can reprogram how you feel, heal trauma, and change habits! Ultimately,  shifting the gears on the things that matter most which is, wellness, healing, and love! 
It's no surprise that if you look up Energy Healing, or Quantum Healing...AmeriKKKa has labeled it, "psuedo-science"...this is complete ignorance, since they have numerous studies done on the powerful impacts of energy as well as the human consciousness (see the one mentioned up above). The truth is...YOU CAN CREATE ENERGY. YOU CAN HEAL THROUGH ENERGY. Some of my favorite ways have been through the powers of Qi-Gong, Yoga, Breath work, Free Dance, as well as Creativity! All of which are extremely powerful and have done great things for me including healing my anxiety, pcos, depression, insomnia, as well as *trigger warning*.....thoughts of 'unaliving' myself. Ever since I started regularly practicing energy work, I now feel truly FREE and full of LIFE. It is now my purpose and goal to teach the world this beautiful form of medicine and how you can truly change your life through the powers running through YOU!
Are you ready!? Join me for my 2-DAY Energy Healing E-Workshop! For more information, please feel free to view the course link: 
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