Can I Charge My Crystals In The Sun?

Can I Charge My Crystals In The Sun?

This is a blog post that is VERY important, please understand that not every crystal can last a long time in the sun light.

When recharging your crystals it is important to look understand that there are different effects to every crystal with prolonged sun. 


Amegreen - The color will fade when in sun too long. Made up of amethyst and prasiolite (green amethyst)

Amethyst- A member of the quartz family. Color will fade in the sun since the color comes from the iron in it.

Ametrine - The color will fade when in sun too long. Made up of amethyst and citrine.

Apatite- The color will fade in the sun.

Apophyllite - Can become brittle in the sun and color can fade.

Aquamarine - Direct sunlight will fade the blue to white if kept too long.

Auralite 23 - Primarily composed of amethyst, so it can fade.

Aventurine - A member of the quartz family and can fade in color.

Beryl - Can fade and get brittle in the sun.

Calcite - Can fade and get brittle in the sun.

Celestite- The blue will turn to white in the sun and get brittle and possibly break.

Chrysoprase - A member of the quartz family, it’s a green chalcedony, and it can fade or get brittle and crack.

Citrine - Since it’s a form of quartz, it will fade to a clear color within 4 hours in the sun

Clear Quartz - Can only withstand about 2 hours in the sun. Can get brittle and crack or break.

Fluorite - No more than 15 minutes in the sun. Gets very hot.

Hiddenite - The color will fade.

Kunzite - Will fade to white if kept in the sun too long.

Opal - Will lose its color in the sun, but it is okay in water.

Prasiolite - This is a green amethyst, and the color will fade.

Rose Quartz - Will fade in color in the sun.

Sapphire - Will lose whatever color sapphire it is.

Spirit Quartz - Will fade in color and clusters could ignite if in the sun too long.

Smoky Quartz - Loses its color to become grey or brown

Super Seven - Will fade in color.

Topaz - The color will fade when kept in sun for more than 8 hours. A yellow topaz will turn brown and a deeper color topaz will turn maroon.

Turquoise - Color can fade in the sun and be careful with time in water.

Crystals that are okay in the sunlight are: Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Carnelian, Howlite, Jade, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Morganite, Malachite, Sunstone, and Tourmaline


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